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    Michael Mazzulli

    Good afternoon Michael,

    Can you send out an email regarding officials fees such as how much a referee, judge, time keeper and a deputy inspector makes per event. I would also like to know how other states pay the officials per diem. Do they pay by the mile or a flat fee for gas? Hotel? Meals? I appreciate it Michael.


    Richard C. Espinoza
    Executive Director
    New Mexico Athletic Commission
    P.O. Box 25101
    Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
    (505) 795-4863 (phone)
    (505) 476-4546 (fax)

    Trisha Blackstock

    In Arkansas the only fees we have for officials are licensing fees, the promoter of the event pays the officials. All of our inspectors are paid $100 per event, reimbursement for mileage(.42 per mile) and meals, and a hotel room if the event is 70 miles from their home.

    Adam L. Burkhalter

    Check with Andy Foster in Cali. He did a study on this years ago if I remember correctly and created a spreadsheet of the different states and fees.

    Matt Woodruff

    In Georgia:

    Boxing Fees:
    Chief Official: $300
    Referees: $150
    Judges: $150
    Timekeeper: $150
    Inspectors: $75

    MMA Fees:
    Chief Official: $300
    Referees: $300 for head, $150 for secondary
    Judges: $150
    Timekeeper: $150
    Inspectors: $75

    Gas rate is $0.575. Officials get travel is over 50 miles and a hotel if travel is over 100 miles.

    Brian Dunn

    In Nebraska, I just charge $150 for referees, $100 for judges and timekeepers for boxing and MMA. I generally figure a reasonable travel/hotel reimbursement if neccessary. Our inspectors are state employees and are paid a per diem rate of $90.

    Jeremy Arneson

    In Wyoming,
    Judges $100
    Referee $150
    25-50 miles $50
    50-150 miles $100
    150+ miles $150
    We are a large State, so we put a cap on travel to reduce the burden on the Promoter.

    Katie Crossway

    Good Afternoon,

    Oneida Indian Nation Athletic Commission’s official payments are as follows:
    Chief Inspector: $1,000
    Inspectors: $225
    Judges: $225
    Referees: $325
    Timekeeper: $200

    Officials traveling over 50 miles get the federal mileage reimbursement rate, currently .54 per mile, and hotel room. All officials receive meal for both days.

    Matt Schowalter

    In Minnesota we don’t have a fee scale for officials. However, the typical payments are:

    Referee – $175-$200
    Judge – $75-$100
    Timekeeper – $75

    There’s no set travel amount. We usually determine travel or lodging on a case by case basis.

    Our inspectors are state employees and are paid around $16 an hour. They do receive travel and meal reimbursements that change year to year based on union contracts. This year the mileage rates are $0.54 per mile.

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